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4000 technoparks around the globe,
including the incubation centers
Most of them were founded in late 80s
83% of the technoparks are non-profit organizations.
62% of the technoparks host incubation centers,
70% of these organizations were founded by
public funds and 73% of these maintain
their operations via land leasing.
26% of technopark companies are involved in information
20% in biotechnology, 19% in electronics,
8% in environment,
6% in advanced materials, 5% in chemistry,
9% in agriculture,
and 7% are involved in other sectors.
51% of technopark companies focus on services whereas
18% focus on manufacturing industries and 26% are referred
to as R&D companies.
89% of technopark companies
are SMEs.
As a result of the changes in World economic status since 1970s and the decline in manufacturing intensive production, in order to increase production and to revitalize manufacturing industry, developed countries started increasing the funds allocated to R&D and initiated mechanisms to transfer research outcomes into the industry. The most effective of these mechanisms are technoparks. The developed nations, those that aimed to live through the economic crisis of the 70s, paid importance to the technopark enterprises to facilitate the transfer of R&D outcomes of universities and research centers to industry with the viewpoints of regional development, fighting unemployment, utilization of the land and technology oriented production. Hence, in 1980s, significant progress was recorded in these issues.
Around the globe, technopark concept was initiated with the establishment of the Silicon Valley – Stanford Research Park in 1951. The success and rise of the Silicon Valley led to the spread of technopark activities and by the end of 1970s the move reached out to Japan. Today, there are approximately 100 technoparks around the globe. Including the incubation centers,, this number reaches to 4000.
83% of the technoparks are non-profit organizations. 62% of the technoparks host incubation centers, 70% of these organizations were founded by public funds and 73% of these maintain their operations via land leasing. 26% of technopark companies are involved in information technologies, 20% in biotechnology, 19% in electronics, 8% in environment, 6% in advanced materials, 5% in chemistry, 9% in agriculture, and 7% are involved in other sectors. 51% of technopark companies focus on services whereas 18% focus on manufacturing industries and 26% are referred to as R&D companies. 89% of technopark companies are SMEs.
Important Organizations Around the World
IASP – International Associaion of Technoparks is a large organization with more than 400 members from 73 countries one of which is ODTU Teknokent from Turkey.
AURP – Association of University Research Parks is one of the two most important organizations with more than 700 members around the world.
UKSPA – The United Kingdom Science Park Association has more than 400 members.
L’association du Technopôle is the association of French technoparks
Suomen Teknologiakeskusten Liitto – TEKEL is Finnish association of technoparks.